International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children Australia Ltd
Work Areas


Empowering sustainable outcomes to amplify our impact in the fight against CSE

Our Impact team focuses on ICMEC Australia’s overall impact strategy, including impact measurement and reporting, overseeing our Child Protection Fund, commissioning impact research, and piloting initiatives that enhance the knowledge and evidence base around countering CSE.

With a focus on sustainable solutions underpinned by robust in-house impact measurement and management, we complement and bolster the work of our other streams by catalysing innovative approaches and transformative solutions for industry pilots and sector capability uplifts.

Australian Study into the Economic Costs of Child Sexual Exploitation

The Impact team has commissioned an Australian research piece to better understand the economic costs and impact of child sexual exploitation (CSE), particularly those facilitated online. The first phase of this multi-phased research study is with the University of Queensland, with Dr Jonah Rimer, Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Convenor of Postgraduate Cyber Criminology as the lead researcher.

To learn more about our Economic Costs Study, please see this page.

Child Protection Fund

We know that sometimes awareness raising and industry collaboration may not be sufficient to meaningfully shift the needle further on saving children from harm. That is why our Child Protection Fund is a targeted funding initiative to bolster the impact of our work streams by helping to bridge gaps within the CSE response ecosystem that may be overlooked and experimenting with innovative approaches by removing commercial limitations.

To learn more about our Child Protection Fund, head here.

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