International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children Australia Ltd


ICMEC Australia Announces the Upcoming Launch of its Member Portal 

September 8, 2022

Collaboration is key to fighting CSE crime in Australia. We know that the criminals collaborate – through chat groups, through the dark web, through whatever means they can. They are constantly helping each other find ways to get round the mechanisms we are using to try to stop them. For us to be able to fight back, we also need to improve how industry, government, law enforcement and not-for-profits collaborate to make the world safer for children.

For years now, ICMEC has facilitated collaboration among financial services, regulators and police forces in Australia through the APAC Financial Coalition Australia Forum. This has provided scope for inter-sector and intra-sector information sharing among those fighting child sexual exploitation crime within banking, payment platforms, law enforcement, regulators, and academia. The focus has always been on sharing how they are approaching the challenge of detecting, investigating and prosecuting crimes associated with CSE, and the dynamics of an evolving and growing set of crime types. But members of this Forum have clearly articulated that they wish to achieve even more from their collaborative efforts.

The new portal adds the advantage of current community software capability to the collaborating organisations. Research resources can be shared, discussions can take place in all-member or restricted-member chat rooms, and knowledge can be sought from the network of experts who become involved

Importantly, the portal is just one element of the members’ program that we are working on for 2023 – but provides that crucial facility to enable closer online collaboration outside the formal structures of the Forum and the Collaboration Working Group.

The portal provides useful digital assets for those fighting CSE to access, learn from and apply without having to wait for the next collaboration session. Members will be able to work together in private forums, continuing discourse when they want to do so and sharing insights, documents and relevant articles with the trusted community of practitioners in this space. ICMEC will share crucial documents and research findings to a restricted audience, allowing for safe and simple access to these important resources. We will also provide a single place to locate relevant reports, articles or up to date news items through our news and articles space within the Portal.

Through engagement with the community of those practitioners actively fighting against CSE in Australia, ICMEC’s new member portal will soon become an invaluable resource and allow us all to help make the world a safe place for our children.


Become Involved

We are looking to hire people with community management platform expertise to help us develop the value for members that can be derived from the portal. We are also looking for a membership product manager to help us drive better outcomes for children by supporting our members in the fight against child sexual exploitation. For more information, see our careers section.

Register now to request access to the member portal or to find out more about our upcoming membership program.


Why Should I Become a Member?

As a member of ICMEC Australia, you are joining an ecosystem of people working to combat child sexual exploitation (CSE). Members are committed to learning from each other and taking collective action. Individuals from a broad range of sectors can join, these include financial services, telecommunications, social media, image hosting, law enforcement, regulators and academia.


Benefits of Membership

Access to information

Membership unlocks the member portal access to the latest industry trends, information and insights such as ICMEC’s User Centred Design findings, articles, research and advocacy papers. Leveraging our international presence, we provide a broad, global perspective with targeted information to better enable your work against CSE.

Ecosystem navigation and warm introductions

Members can review descriptions of other organisations with capabilities relevant to the fight. You can receive tailored facilitations and introductions enabling your connection with the right people in the ecosystem.

Opportunities for collaborative projects

Membership opens the door to a number of working groups that meet regularly to work towards a common goal. Projects are data-driven, and serve to prove or deny the value of bringing data together from multiple data owners with fresh analytical approaches.

Team alignment

Membership allows your whole team to get on the same page, with access to online and face-to-face networking events, lunch and learn sessions and through the online portal.

Influence: Our members demonstrate their commitment to contribute to combatting child sexual exploitation. You can use your membership as a symbol of your commitment and be invited to share your achievements and stories at our webinars, forums and panel discussions. Membership helps you to raise your profile and importantly the societal awareness of CSE.

Register now to request access to the member portal or to find out more about our upcoming membership program.

ICMEC Australia is accepting pre-registrations to its membership Programme. Although many stakeholders have been involved in our research on the membership components needed, we do not have all of the answers right now. We are interested to include your views on how the membership programme components are built out over time.


Register Now Because:

1. Membership access will enable you to review the entire User Centred Design (UCD) Report and ecosystem mapping assets online
2. Executive briefings on the UCD Research are available to organisations in the CSE response ecosystem.
3. Request an executive briefing on the UCD Research for your executive team.
4. Help shape the membership features offered as an inaugural member.

Register now to request access to the member portal or to find out more about our upcoming membership program.

Download our Member Portal PDF

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