International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children Australia Ltd


Announcing a new era in amplifying our impact

October 12, 2023

Over the last two years ICMEC Australia has achieved a great deal in what could be termed our startup period. 

Founding a new entity in Australia, even one that comes with an international pedigree, means being focused on establishing systems and processes, building the right team and developing strong connections in the local sector. 

Having fulfilled these important foundations with the help of a vast network of stakeholders who have been willing to lean in on our important mission, we are now ready to move to the next phase of realising some ambitious outcomes aimed at helping to detect, report, prosecute and prevent child sexual exploitation (CSE) facilitated online. 

We’re incredibly fortunate, by design, to have one of Australia’s leading experts in outcomes measurement and evaluation on the team, who will be taking the lead in optimising the delivery of impact across our organisation. 

We’re excited to announce that Tiphanie Au has transitioned her role from Head of Child Protection Fund (CPF) to Head of Impact, expanding her investment and funding portfolio to include our organisation’s overall impact strategy, measurement and reporting. Not only will this allow us to demonstrate how we add value, but it will also ensure that we are directing our efforts in the right places and that we are focused on the important things that can help shift the needle further on saving children from harm. 

Tiphanie’s work with the CPF will remain an important part of her role and our organisation, including more targeted funding to catalyse collaborative data, technological and/or preventative solutions that directly align with the priorities of our work streams and theory of change. 

Tiphanie will also be working with our in-house teams and external stakeholders to commission valuable research to strengthen the knowledge and evidence-base of CSE and support a coherent and collaborative approach to tackling this heinous crime. 

This is an exciting phase for the organisation as we embed our mission more deeply through enhanced programs and projects built on the solid foundations of a well-designed impact measurement and evaluation framework.

We extend our congratulations to Tiphanie on her new role and look forward to sharing our future impact reports.

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